Friday, January 29, 2010

Reflections on Blogging

Hello all. What follows is my first blog post. I have considered starting a blog for some time now, but never really put any serious thought into it until the start of this school year. Up until recently I have been a little biased towards the idea of a blog, considering it just another aspect of the internet to dominate ones life and the only real purpose of it being an online journal. I am a very private person, so the idea of putting a journal on the internet really did not appeal to me. Recently I've found that many people are sharing their creative work on blogs, and as a creative writer it sparked my interest.

When it comes to writing I have always held the view that it is something highly personal. That being said the only time I've really shared any of my work was in the workshop/academic setting. With this blog I intend to take the plunge and really put some of my shorter work out there. I intend to start posting some short haiku pieces up just to start things off. Please take into consideration that the art of the haiku is something completely new to me, and something that I have absolutely no background knowledge of. Later on down the road I will most likely post some parts of short stories, or perhaps even little bits of writing projects that I've been working on.

Feel free to read, comment, and hopefully enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. This is great that you've started a blog. I've kept one since 2004 and it's been a big help to me in sorting out aspects of my creative life. I hope you keep going with this!
